The open space located at the east part of the waterfront side in Tung Chung East New Town. It surrounded by residential area, sports complex and Tertiary Institutes and other school uses. So it can provide a pleasant environment to the surrounded area and become a focal point for the nearby community.
The area divided into 3 parts. The first area is an avenue linkage to the town centre, there have shops along both side of the avenue. The open space will provide a green environment and water feature, so it can make the user have a pleasant walking environment. Meanwhile, it reserved space for the food hawker to set up their stalls.
The second area is a big open space that provides plaza, common space & gallery and a greenery area. It widely uses water feature to make visually looks attractive.
The third area is the waterfront area. The curve wave of waterfront edge represents the new town have energetic and respect with natural. The main entrance is a big open plaza and provides drop off area, so it is easy for the user to draw the direction to the waterfront. The sea fountain becomes the focal point of the waterfront and some of the area sea edges use naturalistic foreshore design and allow people to seat. They can walk close to the water and achieve “water-friendly” culture.