Cyberport Park
Revitalization Project
Cyberport is a creative digital community with over 800 community members completed in 2004, including grade-A office buildings, restaurants, a 5-star hotel, and a shopping arcade. The park main users group mainly are Bel-Air residents, some of them are dog owner and domestic helper. Some people like to do sports activities inside the park, such as running. During the weekend, there have more local tourist come to this park to have a picnic, play with dogs and enjoy the sunset view of the harbour.
Although the park has 600,000 square ft. However, most of the space in the park are looks empty with poor maintenance, most of the programming only focus in the central area, so it is a good chance to have a revitalization project. To make the park widely to use and looks more attractive for the people and the community.
The concept of the design is focus in a traditional garden. It is because of the park near to Bel-Air. Where is one of the most luxury property in Hong Kong. The property sales promotion and the common area, such as the clubhouse also use European style villa concept. Meanwhile, the park also uses this style design for a short period of time. So it is a good chance to recover the park that matches with the high class residential and allow the general public can enjoy that atmosphere.